February 13, 2019

The city of Fortaleza has long been considered a hub of child sexual exploitation in Brazil. (ECPAT International, ECPAT Brazil, December 2015). In 2014, it was the second most violent city in the country according to the Mexican NGO Conselho Cidadão para a Segurança Pública e Justiça Penal (UOL Noticias, January 25, 2016). Favelas are the places where the prostitution of minors is significant due to chronic poverty, lack of education, and omnipresent criminal activity, especially linked to drug trafficking (Nomad and Villager, September 20, 2016). The development of the crack trade in these areas has been accompanied by a rise in the sexual exploitation of children (ECPAT International, ECPAT Brazil, December 2015). It appears that the residents of these neighborhoods pose a greater threat to children that sex tourists do (Human Rights Council, May 2017). The BR-116 motorway, which crosses 4,500 km from Fortaleza to the Uruguay border, is another emblematic location for prostitution, including at least 262 places for the exploitation of children (News.com.au, July 24, 2016). To combat this prostitution, the capitals of three Northeastern states, Fortaleza, Recife, and Salvador de Bahia, have set up specialized courts (Global Sustainable Tourism Review, March 2014).